Oxidative Stress Assays

Oxidative stress, an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and a cell’s antioxidant defenses, is associated with human disease as well as aging. We offer assays for detecting glutathione, detecting changes in ROS, and measuring the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione as indicators of cell health.

Item code Manufacturer Name
V6611 Promega Biotech AB GSH/GSSG-Glo Assay
10 ml
V6612 Promega Biotech AB GSH/GSSG-Glo Assay
50 ml
V6911 Promega Biotech AB GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay
10 ml
V6912 Promega Biotech AB GSH-Glo Glutathione Assay
50 ml

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