Homogenisers, Dounce, glass

Homogenisers, Dounce, glass
For fine particle size reductions without damage to cell nuclei. Supplied with interchangeable pestles ground and polished to large' and small' clearances for use in the same tube. Includes 2 larges pestle used for sample preparation and 2 tight pestles for final homogenate.

Item code Manufacturer Name Capacity (ml) Pestle L x o.d. (mm) Mortar L x o.d. (mm)
9164690 20901
GPE Scientific Limited
Homogenizer DOUNCE 1ml
1 117 x 7.5 82 x 12
9164691 20902
GPE Scientific Limited
Homogenizer DOUNCE 7ml
7 175 x 13 125 x 17
9164692 20903
GPE Scientific Limited
Homogenizer DOUNCE 15ml
15 210 x 15 160 x 19
9164693 20904
GPE Scientific Limited
Homogenizer DOUNCE 40ml
40 285 x 25 210 x 31

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